Men Thrive on Feminine Energy

Men Thrive on Feminine Energy

How to understand the basic nature of masculine and feminine energy, sexual polarity and how to employ these different energies properly to attract the lovers you want effortlessly and avoid unnecessary confusion that leads to rejection. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a lesbian woman who is unsure of her own nature and is confused about masculine and feminine energy. She has dated several women who have had different dominant, masculine and feminine essences. Her current girlfriend is neither more masculine nor feminine than her, and this is causing her to question herself and how she should show up in her relationship. How this applies to all types of relationships: gay, straight, bisexual, etc. My comments are in bold parenthesis like this below in the body of her email. I am a year-old lesbian and have dated many different types of girls over the past couple of years. Thanks to your book and YouTube videos, I have gradually improved my dating life and have more steadily applied the laws of attraction with improved results.

The #1 law of attraction: Polarity

Masculine energy is like about action, giving, decision- making, and problem solving, and assertiveness. Feminine energy is more about being, feeling, receiving, vulnerability, and openness. Masculine energy is more about being in the moment instead of doing. Energy day-to-day life, men and women act in both masculine and feminine ways. We all have both energies inside us and need to utilize both feels function in life.

We saw women striving to find their position of power by 1. In FEMM I share the TOOLS & PROCESSES for attracting a Masculine Energy Man and Keeping.

Some may not think masculine energy can be intense or even scary at times. Whilst Feminism has done some great things for us, it has also made women quite domineering with a tendency to castrate men with a single look. It destroys the virility and spirit in men. When I was in Law School, girls used to talk about how some powerful women had their man by the balls. Neither is the notion of gender differences. Yes, we are all people, but there exists in every one of us, a combination of two energies.

Masculine and feminine. Some women are more masculine at their core, but most are not.

How to Use Your Feminine Energy to Attract an Alpha Male

If you learn how to be in your feminine energy you will start to see a huge shift in the type of men you attract and the lengths they will go to in order to be with you. Before I really get into things I want to say, this is not about playing a game, manipulating, or using men in any way. Sexual polarity is what creates passion, attraction, and intimacy.

You see there can only be one alpha in a relationship. Alpha men want to be the one in charge of the relationship.

Coach Sami Wunder explains how can masculine energy women find and keep love. However, the challenge is that all these women want masculine men. Dating and Relationship Coach at Sami Wunder Coaching.

Almost exactly 6 years ago, the man I thought I was meant to marry vanished without a word. I was devastated to say the least. What seemed to be the biggest heartbreak of my life was actually the most amazing thing to happen in my life. I was led to the most important information I believe any woman could ever learn! The awareness of feminine energy and masculine energy and how it can either bring more love to you than you could ever imagine or push love away.

Your goddess energy — being, feeling, receiving, responding, allowing and trusting energy is your most empowered state. You are super charged with loving, healing energy. When we get out of our masculine energy — which is absolutely amazing — and stop thinking, doing, planning, advising, making things happen energy, we open up the space to receive love, guidance, and inspiration.

I know I was Divinely led to my highest growth and expansion. I know deep in my soul — what I learned about men and love — is the most important information a woman could learn and put into practice on a daily basis. We attract our energetic match.

feminine energy dating

Established 26 years ago, this is where: Success meets Beauty and Beauty meets Success. We are the perfect partner to immerse you into a spectacular new relationship tailored to meet your needs and orchestrated around your desires. Your story is unique. So is our approach. Everything discussed is held in strict confidence. Are you seeking a casual relationship or a committed one?

When you’re dating, do you find yourself thinking about him most of the time? you as the high-value woman instead it conveys “needy” energy. Unlike your masculine energy strengths, you’re receptive, open and more.

Do you initiate contact via texting, facebook messages just to check what he’s doing, or follow up about when you’re going to meet again? Perhaps you find yourself “Waiting” for him, and don’t confirm plans with friends to keep your diary free “just in case”, and go even at short notice. Do you fall into the supporting counsellor role? You may have found common ground over past relationship break up stories.

Or you offer helpful advice when he talks about his life and work. In our minds, we’re caring, thoughtful and sweet, the truth is, these ways of energetically making him the centre of your attention can be attraction killers. These behaviours often result in the seemingly great man you’re dating, not perceiving you as the high-value woman instead it conveys “needy” energy. I underestimated the power of making this shift until I learned the magic and influence that feminine energy has.

First for us, by feeling balanced and whole, and secondly with friendships, and of course in dating and relationships.

Dating Advice About Masculine Versus Feminine Energy

Do you have a “problem” with dating? Is it difficult to meet and attract women? You can learn to relate with women – wherever you are in the world! Do you lose your confidence around women and say all of the wrong things?

Everyone has masculine and feminine energies. perform masculinity) and babies born with a vagina will be women (and perform femininity).

I realize that feminine magnetism is not a topic that the average woman sits around chatting about over coffee. But we should, because it is a force and a factor that impacts and affects our lives in powerful ways, and especially in our love relationships and marriages. F eminine Magnetism FM is the natural attracting and drawing power that we uniquely possess as women. Not all women have an intact uterus due to hysterectomies, for example , but we all have a womb space.

Feminine and masculine energies are natural opposites and complements to one another; they are naturally drawn to each other. What can over-stimulate our masculine energy? Being always in go-go-go mode.

Masculine and Feminine Dynamics in Intimate Relationships

Masculine energy is all about breaking free from constraints, overcoming, closing the deal, protecting, providing, leading…. For a woman who wants to be primarily feminine in her energy in the relationship — during the courtship process — a man shows his masculinity by paying for meals. If you bear children and become vulnerable, I will protect you.

As a woman, you can throw your love relationships off-balance when you’ve “​activated” too much masculine energy. Here are the 10 signs.

So, I met this great gal on a project I was working on. We tossed several FB messages back and forth and then there was an exchange of numbers. I was near her neck of the woods and admitted that I was a bit out of my element. Luckily she said she knew a groovy place for us to meet. I get there a little early, grab a cocktail and within minutes she is joining me at the bar.

The conversation is exciting and she is hitting upon some invigorating topics. She lights up the room as she shares her take on all things vocational, spiritual and political. She is pretty darn smart, well grounded and opinionated. As the conversation goes deeper, so do the drinks, and before I know it she is ordering the 4th round.

Then she suggests we do a shot on the next one! At first I was a bit surprised, but then I found it sexy.

How Masculine Men Protect Women’s Feminine Energy

Posted by Sandy Weiner in love after 40 , self-esteem in dating , understanding men over 40 0 comments. Bryan has triumphed through multiple dark nights of the soul after hurling himself into the transformational fires of intimate relationship over and over again. Bryan and I discussed one of my favorite topics, the essentials of masculine and feminine dynamics in intimate relationships.

Have men become more like women and women more like men? Find out in this interview.

First impressions are everything for a man interested in exclusive dating, but as many affluent singlemenknow, you don’t win a woman over on the first date.

If you are a more “masculine” woman, chances are you’ll find yourself with a more “feminine” man. Is this a problem? Not at all. In fact, if you understand basic polarity principles, this can work to your advantage. Unless of course, you want to keep blaming your partner. There is something simpler you can do. Listen for more info Particularly when the female partner tends to have more of a masculine energy in the relationship – in terms of being type-A, taking action, wanting to get things done – while the male partner has more of a passive, laid back, feminine energy.

I was wondering if this dynamic would be too difficult to sustain in a satisfactory way, although we are both growth-oriented, so that part is not a concern. The Relationship School Podcast Learn street level, practical tools to have better relationships from a real dude who is a solid husband and father. Jayson Gaddis, founder of The Relationship School, interviews couples, experts, neuroscientists, therapists, coaches, and everyday people to help you have the best relationships possible.

Watch your long-term partnerships, family relationships, friendships, and work relationships get better. Jayson offers a fun action step at the end of each episode. Let’s do this people!

How To Attract A Truly Masculine Man

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